
Cards (9)

  • 1 - Noise of machines, cacophony of different office sounds, merging, panned to different speakers, distorted, heartbeat SFX
  • 2 - Diegetic sound household appliances/machines, high pitched ringing in ears (motif for freedom begins), echoing effect of YW's lines, fast paced
  • 3 - High pitched buzzing (motif for freedom) - non-diegetic, heartbeat and ticking clock merge into one overwhelming sound, panned to different speakers, distorted
  • 4 - Diegetic babies crying, 'riveting' loud volume - YW shakes violently in bed each time, bells, footsteps, writing, overwhelms the senses, each is put through a different speaker all at once, 'let me alone' is echoed and distorted - speaking to a void
  • 5 - Volume louder for dominant characters, distortion of prohibited words 'pleasure', 'killed' by making them slower and lower - everyone freezes and shakes violently as if being electrocuted, high pitched buzz on 'pebbles' (motif)
  • 6 - NATURALISTIC - 'sea-shells' non-diegetic sea sound to show memory, Cieleto Lindo unfiltered and unchanged (first and only song in play) YW responds with joy, buzzing on 'can I have that (motif)
  • 7 - Non-diegetic beep on 'by rote' as if she's playing a recording of herself, crackled recording of YW, heartbeat when he pinches her cheek, 'stones' distorted heavily, different speakers for different type of stones
  • 8 - Diegetic? heartbeat increasing in pace, slowed and minor key Cieleto Lindo on 'signed by one Richard Roe', high-pitched buzz (motif)
  • 9 - Priest's lines distorted and sped up, panned, screaming SFX over YW's lines to show her inner turmoil and silenced rage, final high pitched buzz on 'fixed her hair under her cap' which gets louder and higher until she calls out 'somebody somebod-' and when she is cut off we are plunged into silence