Pollination is the transferofpollengrains from the anther of oneflower to stigma of anotherflower of the samekind
Animal pollination vs Wind pollination
Animal pollination: Flowers are large,brightly-colored , scented, have nectar
Wind pollination: Flowers are small,dulled-coloured no nectar
Anthershangout of the flower to allow pollengrains to be easilyshakenfree and carried by the wind
Femalereproductive cell fuses with malereproductive cell
After fertilisation, petals,styles and stigmawither and dropoff
Seed dispersal
Reduce overcrowding and competition with parentplant for space,sunlight,water and mineralsalts.
Seed germination
Seed needs air, water, and warmth
Root grows first, gets nutrients from food stored in seed leaves
Shoot grows next , young plant starts makingitsownfood when it developsleaves
The process of wind pollination
thefilamentssway in the wind and pollengrains are shakenfree.Thepollengrains are carriedaway by the wind and will landonto the stigma of a anotherflower of the samekind.
How does insects help the plant to reproduce?
these insects help to pollinatetheflower.
How do bees help plants produce seeds?
When a bee visits a flower to feedonnectar,thepollengrains will stickonto the bee‘s hairybody and will be transferred to the nextflower the beevisits
water dispersal?
have a fibroushusk which trapsair.
seedsstayafloat in water
follow the direction of waterflow.
Wind dispersal?
small,light,wing-like structure
For seeds to be carriedaway by wind and dispersed over longdistances
splitting/explosive action ?
Seeds are near the parent plant
Animal dispersal ?
dispersed randomly
get dispersed by sticking onto the animal’s fur
fruits are juicy,brightly-colored
seeds have hooks,stiffhairs
undigestedseeds will be passedout in their droppings
Fertilization takes place in the ovary
male parts of a flower ?
anther(producepollen grains)
filament (supports the anther)
female parts of a flower?
Ovary(protects the ovule)
Ovule(contain eggcells)
Style(Connects the stigma to the ovary)
Stigma(receives pollengrains)
Pollen tube grows downthroughthestyle into the ovary where it reaches the ovules.