Did employment promote social stability, 1953-85?

Cards (4)

    -quite significant, affected stability but caused stagnation
    -Stable means staying mostly the same
    -Under Khrushchev, reform caused instability but Brezhnev's stability caused stagnation
    -For K, he also wanted a better standard of living for the people as a way to create a stable society.
    -B also used the 'social contract' to help promote a stable society by promising social benefits in exchange for conformity.
    -Criteria: does it cause discontent and chaos
    -Brezhnev, Anti-corruption campaign, Khrushchev's reforms
  • PARA 1: Khrushchev's reforms
    -1953-56, 44% of central committee and half of regional Part secretaries replaced, this meant his position was secured as the top levels of the Party were filled with people who were loyal to him.
    -Fixed terms were introduced in 1957, meaning senior Coms would be replaced regularly.
    -K's reforms meant many Coms were demoted or lost their jobs. This caused discontent which only exacerbated the instability of the govt.
    -Rash decision making and retreats with no constant features destabilised government
    -his attempts to increase standard of living were quite successful though. New laws in 1961 for social benefits: free lunches in schools, offices and factories and free public transport. These social benefits marked a significant improvement in the SoL for Soviet people. Helps to better stability of society though increasing contentment
    -Here, the use of social benefits is more sig in the promotion of a stable society.
  • PARA 2: Brezhnev's stability of cadres and 'social contract'
    -Introduced policy of stability of cadres
    -Brezhnev wanted to move back to stability, however this resulted in stagnation.
    -Average age of Politburo increased from 58 (1966) to 75 (1982), led to a gerontocracy. This led to a less effective govt, discontent in young people as there was a massive generational gap (not stable in that sense)
    -Only 2 people promoted to Politburo 1964-71 so no incentive for hard work as wouldn't be rewarded with promotion
    -Brezhnev restored government to Stalinist ideas, eg: centralisation
    -Minimal change meant stability, but also meant stagnation and corruption increased.
    -B's 'social contract', govt promised certain social benefits in exchange for obedience and conformity, all about promotion of a stable society. Generally very successful, very high standards of living and organised opposition to the govt was very rare.
  • PARA 3, Anti-Corruption Campaign
    -Andropov refused big reforms but made small changes
    -Minister of Interior sacked and put on trial in Nov 1982 for corruption
    -Brezhnev's daughter's lover "Boris the Gypsy" arrester in 1982
    -Targeted those who used their position to gain wealth
    -Major changes didn't happen so stagnation and stability remained although so did underlying problems
    -biggest successful was replacing old, corrupt officials and therefore allowing a younger generation to rise within the Soviet Govt, showing significance of employment in promotion of a stable society.