metal concept; in the real world there are only individuals'
How did Oscar Wilde describe fashion?
'A form of ugliness so intolerable we have to change it every six monthd'
Wilde - 'all modes...
of governments are failures'
Wilde - 'society exists only...
as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals'
What is 'The Decadent'?
An aesthetic term meaning decline. It is represented by a decline in moral, culture, values etc. It alarmed traditionalist norms and threatens societal culture.
Who is Sir Charles Dilke?
Radical politician who was touted for Prime Minister in the 1880s. In 1886 he was involved in a messy divorce scandal where he seduced an MPS wife and then had a threesome with her daughter and their maid. Although technically legal, the trial destroyed his career and reputation, making him widely talked about in society.
Who did Wilde marry in 1884?
Constance Llyod, they had two sons together. Wilde and Constance were both involved in the Victorian dress reform movement. After the trail Constance made the boys change their names and move to Switzerland, never to see Oscar again,