Otitis Media

Cards (9)

  • Otitis media
    Infection in the middle ear
  • Middle ear
    • Space between the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and the inner ear
    • Where the cochlea, vestibular apparatus and nerves are found
  • How bacteria enter the middle ear
    From the back of the throat through the eustachian tube
  • Viral upper respiratory tract infection
    Often precedes bacterial infection of the middle ear
  • Common bacterial causes of otitis media
    • Streptococcus pneumoniae
    • Haemophilus influenzae
    • Moraxella catarrhalis
    • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae also commonly causes other ENT infections such as rhino-sinusitis and tonsillitis
  • Symptoms of otitis media
    • Ear pain
    • Reduced hearing in the affected ear
    • Feeling generally unwell, for example with fever
    • Symptoms of an upper airway infection such as cough, coryzal symptoms and sore throat
    • Balance issues and vertigo (when the infection affects the vestibular system)
    • Discharge from the ear (when the tympanic membrane has perforated)
  • Normal tympanic membrane
    • Pearly-grey, translucent and slightly shiny
    • Malleus visible through the membrane
    • Cone of light reflecting the light of the otoscope
  • Tympanic membrane in otitis media
    • Bulging, red, inflamed looking
    • Perforation with discharge in the ear canal