Argued that reconstructive memory may produce errors in accurate recalling due to schemas
Leading Questions
Imply answers and influence memory through substitution bias or emotional pressure in response bias
Post Event Discussion
Recall of 1 witness can alter accuracy of another witness, creating memory conformity
State of arousal that can decrease recall due to weapon effect; can also increase accuracy however due to alertness and the memory encoding environment
Yerks-Dodson Law of Arousal
EWT accuracy increases as anxiety does, but if anxiety becomes too high, it can equal more stress resulting in lower accuracy
(+) A03: Loftus and Palmer
Car crash clips, asking a question and changing the verb each time e.g. smashed, bumped
Found ppts estimated faster mph with more extreme verbs
Supports the idea of leading questions influencing answers
(+) A03: Gabbert
Participants watch videos of crime in different witness points
Found 71% of information recalled was information not from their viewpoint, after pair discussion
Supporting the idea of post event discussion influencing answers
(+) A03: Johnson + Scott
Study with 2 conditions:
Normal conversation occuring, man entering the room with greasy hands and a pencil
Hostile conversation, glass breaking, man entering the room with bloody hands and a knife
Finding 49% could identify the man with the pencil, but only 33% could identify the man with the knife
Supports the idea of weapon focus in anxiety
(-) A03: Yuille + Cutshall
Found that 4 months after a deadly shooting, 13 witnesses resisted misleading information, and that those with most stress (closest to shooting) had best recall
(-) A03: Lab Experiments
Lab Experiments can have demand characteristics, participants may figure out the aims, creating a response bias and have no emotional impact on them, lowering validity of the studies