dukkha= suffering exists, samudaya=suffering has a cause ,nirodha= theres an end to suffering which leads to nibbana and enlightenment,magga=the cure to suffering
3 facts about theravada buddhism
ancient buddhist tradition. believe in human personality. belief in arhat
3 facts about mahayana buddhists
belief in bodhisattva . believe the buddha remains active and can influence the world. term to describe later buddhists traditions e.g pure land buddhism ,tibetan buddhism
3 facts about pure land
taught by amitabha buddha himself. created (sukhavati) , in far west beyond our boundaries . mahayana tradition on japan based on amitabha buddha
what are the 3 refuges
1 the buddha. 2 the dhamma .3 the sangha
what is dependent arising
everything is dependent , nothing is independent e.g trees depend on light ,water and sun
what is enlightenment
gaining true knowledge of god self or nature of reality
what is the influences of sunyata
buddhists will be more aware of the impact of their actions e.g become environmentally friendly
what are the 5 moral precepts
to abstain from taking life. abstain from taking what is not freely given. abstain from wrong speech. abstain from misuses of senses . abstain from intoxicants that cloud mind
3 examples of buddha ascetic life
1 sleeping on bed of thorns . 2 eating so little looked like a skeleton. 3 lived in dangerous /hostile environmentd
what does dhamma mean
refers to buddha teachings , its the path to get to enlightenment