Transport Systems

Cards (28)

  • Blood delivers…
    oxygen and glucose to every cell and removes wastes like carbon dioxide
  • Red blood cells
    Millions in a single blood drop
    No nucleus - packed with haemoglobin
    Biconcave shape
    Haemoglobin combines easily with oxygen
  • White blood cells
    Larger but less numerous
    Immune system
  • White blood cells-Phagocytes
    Engulfing and digestion of microbes
    Lobed nucleus
  • White blood cells-Lymphocytes
    Make and send out antibodies which make microbes stick together so engulfing cells can kill them
    Single large nucleus
  • Platelets
    Small fragments of cells
    No nucleus
    Produces substances that help blood to clot at a wound
  • Plasma
    Pale yellow liquid
    Carries blood cells
    Carries dissolved substances:
    Amino acids
  • Arteries
    Travel away from the heart
    Blood is under high pressure so a
    Thick elastic layer is needed to
    Allow expansion and recoil Carries oxygenated blood
  • Veins
    Travel towards the heart
    Blood under low pressure so
    Thinner elastic
    Wide lumen to help blood flow
    Has valves to prevent backflow Carries deoxygenated blood
  • Capillaries
    Deliver oxygen and glucose
    Remove wastes
    Walls one cell thick for diffusion
    Red blood cells go through in single file
    Epithelial cell
  • At lungs
    Oxygen into red blood cells and
    Combines with haemoglobin
    Carbon dioxide moves out of plasma and into lungs
  • At body cells
    Oxygen, glucose, amino acids enter cells
    Carbon dioxide, urea leave cells
  • Function of the heart is to
    pump blood around the body
  • Left side of heart is
    oxygenated blood
  • Right side of heart is
    deoxygenated blood
  • Why is the left side of the heart stronger?
    Has a thicker muscle wall to pump blood with a greater force to travel around the whole body whereas the right side only needs to pump blood to the lungs
  • Heart is supplied glucose + oxygen
    by the coronary artery
  • If the hearts supply of glucose + oxygen is blocked
    it is called cardiac arrest or a heart attack
  • Heart attack
    Narrow coronary artery
    Red blood cells clot
    Blood flow to cardiac muscle stops
    Muscle cells die to lack of glucose and oxygen as respiration can’t occur
  • Arteries become narrowed by
    Fatty deposits being laid on the surface
    More likely for red blood cells to clot
  • What is fatty build up in arteries caused by?
    High saturated fat, cholesterol and salt in diet
    Smoking and high blood pressure
    Lack of exercise
  • How can we prevent heart attacks?
    Eating little saturated fat and salt
    Exercising regularly
    Reducing stress
    Reducing smoking
  • Plant transport
    Leaves are covered in stomata to allow gas exchange
  • Plant cells to carry water
    Water moves up these tubes
    Also transport mineral salts(dissolved in water)
  • Water movement is
  • Factors that affect transpiration
  • Plant cells to carry sugar
    Carries in two directions
    Down to roots for use or storage
    Up to buds, flowers, fruit, leaves for growth and maturation
  • Sugar movement is