buddhism practices

Cards (28)

  • samatha meditation -- mindfulness of breathing--important in theravada .breathing used to focus attention
  • why do samatha meditation?
    creates Calmness and concentration.
  • vipassana meditation-- a meditation technique that focuses on the mind and body to achieve a state of awareness-important in theravada buddhism
  • why do vipassana meditaion?
    Insight on true nature, mindfulness, self-awareness.
  • zazen meditation- sitting in meditation, focusing on breathing and relaxing the body-zen buddhism [japan]
  • visualisation meditation - visualising a place or object to help you relax and focus your mind-mahayana buddhism
  • why do visualisation meditation?
    helps focus the mind and gain deep concentration
  • thangkas -detalised painting of buddha or a bodhisattva aims--used to help deity visualisation
  • mandala-intricate colourful circle shaped pattern aims-after this is is done monks brushes the mandala as its done by sand because they dont want to get attached to it
  • tibet death ceremonies-read the tibetan text .may be a sky burial
  • japan death ceremonies[pure land buddhism] -flowers and incense ,candles placed near deceased bed.they chant amithabha name and walk around the coffin _important? time to reflect and remember buddhist teaching anicca
  • theravada death ceremonies -little money is spent on funerals to transfer good karma for the dead person +important ? time to reflect and remember anicca
  • importance of retreats-period of time spent away from regular life to focus on buddhist teachings
  • festivals-opportunity to meet and practice together and remember celebrate buddhas life and teachings
  • explain two different beliefs about death ceremonies in tibet and japan?
    Tibet: Sky burial, where the body is left on a mountaintop to be consumed by vultures, is a common practice. Japan: Buddhist funeral ceremonies, including cremation and the use of ancestral altars, are prevalent.
  • explain why mediation is important to buddhist ?
    it develops calm ,focuses mind to aid mindfulness/concentration
  • worshipping in the temple is better than worshipping at home [12marks]
    agree; Buddhists can study meditate and practise together and shrines in temple a focal point for Buddhists disagree; less distractions at home /less travel time, buddhists worship before a shrine at home as have everything they need e.g. flowers bowls of water ,incense ,food offerings
  • what happens in parinirvarna day and why is it important
    read /study the mahaparinirvana sutra . celeberated in feb to remember buddhas passing into parinirvana
  • what happens in wesak and why is it important
    celeberated on full moon during month of wesak buddhists light homes with candles /lanterns to symbolise hope, enlightenment and overcoming ignorance. its the most important because it remembers the 3 important events in buddhas life
  • ethics: kamma (karma)
    kamma explains how actions lead to happiness and suffering
  • ethics:karuna(compassion)
    its one of the 4 sublime states means compassion which is feeling of concern for others
  • why is karuna important
    karuna is one of the 4 sublime states .these explains how buddhists should act towards themselves and others .
  • what is ROPKA
    tibetan word means help/friend . ropka is a charity motivated by acting. its aim is to help families in poverty through education and teach value of compassion
  • what is karuna trust
    inspired by buddhists values which wants to end discriminationpoverty and inequality in india /nepal . it is based in the uk
  • ethics: what is metta
    one of the 4 sublime states means loving kindness ,showing loving, kind friendly attitude towards themselves and others
  • why is metta important
    buddhists develop loving kindness for themselves and others to stop themselves from acting out of greed ,hatred ,jealousy
  • what are the 5 moral precepts
    1abstain from taking life ...2abstain from taking what is not freely given e.g stealing...3abstain from misuse of the senses or sexual misconduct ....4abstain from wrong speech e.g not to gossip ....5abstain from intoxicants
  • 6 perfections( mahayana)
