found teachers were quicker to discipline black students
teachers labelled asian pupils as being unable to grasp English language
left them out of class discussions
studied black girls in London school
found they rejected the negative label given to them
studied black girls who faced teacher racism
found 3 types of racist teachers
colourblind- passive against racism
liberal chauvinists- believe black pupils are culturally deprived - low aspirations
overt racists- actively discriminate towards black pupils
discrimination in wider society
employers will actively discriminate against job applicants with foreign sounding names
external factors
material deprivation
cultural deprivation - language, attitudes and values
discrimination in wider society
family structure
internal factors
teacher racism
pupil identities
marketisation policies
ethnocentric curriculum
a type of educational curriculum that is based on the cultural values and perspectives of a particular ethnic or cultural group.
education within the United Kingdom has traditionally been centered on a dominant White Eurocentric curriculum
marketisation policies leads to disadvantage for BAME pupils
schools choose more favourable students - white mc
describes national curriculum as 'specifically British' ignores non-europeans academics
sewell - generating genius
created a 'nurturing programme' for students from disadvantaged backgrounds
attainment 8 scores
scores measure how far pupils have progressed in their eight major government approved GCSE subjects over five years of secondary schooling compared to the average progress of all pupils.
which ethnic group has highest attainment 8 score
Chinese, Indian, Bangladeshi
which ethnic group has the lowest attainment 8 score