Cards (25)

  • is a cultural treasure cherished and favorite pasttime that is close to hearts of filipinos encompassing generations
    to generations
    ❖It is also called games of our heritage or “ laro ng lahi”
    ❖Some games are played or held during town fiestas in the
  • ➢This game is composed of two teams both have
    their self-claimed bases and the goal is to tag the
    other team’s bae without getting tagged.
  • ❑Catch and own a corner
    ❑The “it” or the tagger stands in the middle
    of the ground. Players in the corners will try
    to exchange places by running from one
    base to another.
  • Role playing game where a children act as
    members of an imaginary family,
  • A hand clapping game generally involving 4 people. They are split into pairs, a pair facing each
    other and all members from both pairs facing the center
  • A hitting and catching game, played by two or more players outdoor
    ❑To play this game, 2 pieces of bamboo sticks (1 long, 1 short) are required.
    Bati Cobra
  • Two people hold both ends of a stretched
    garter horizontally while the others attempt
    to cross over it. The goal is to cross without
    having tripped on the garter.
  • One "It" chases after players who are
    allowed to run on level ground (lupa) and
    clamber over objects (langit)
    Langit Lupa
  • ◦ This game is played by 10 or more players. It can be played indoors
    or outdoors.
    Lawin at Sisiw
  • ❑ A popular variation of Luksong Tinik, one
    player crouches while the other players jump
    over him/her.
    Luksong Baka
  • jump over the thorns
    oTwo players serve as the base of the tinik
    (thorn) by putting their right or left feet
    together (soles touching gradually building
    the tinik).
    Luksong Tinik
  • ✓greased bamboo pole climbing
    ✓This game involves a greased bamboo
    pole that players attempt to climb
  • Harangang taga - try to cross my line
    without letting me touch or catch you -
    Each member of the group who is it
    stands on the water lines
  • Hopscotch
    ▪ The players stand behind the edge
    of a box, and each should throw
    their cue ball.
  • This game involves 2 players. One covers his eyes with a hand while the other flicks a
    finger (pitik) over the hand covering the eyes
    Pitik Bulag
  • a foot volleyball game where players touch as
    well as handle the ball using only their feet, knee, chest and
    Sepak Takraw
  • ✓game of kick
    ✓The object being used to play the
    game is also called sipa. It is made
    of a washer with colorful threads,
    usually plastic straw, attached to it.
  • Sungka (pronounced SOONG-kah) is a game played on a
    solid wooden block with two rows of seven circular holes and
    two large holes at both ends called "head"
  • What is unique in Tagu-Taguan compared
    to its counterpart, hide and seek, is that
    this game is usually played at sunset or at
    night as a challenge for the it to locate
    those who are hiding
  • twilight game, look out, cover yourself! or
    take-cover game
    ❖ usually step on couches, hide under tables,
    or wrap themselves in curtains – much to
    the dismay of neat-freak parents.
    Takip Silim
  • A game involving 2 pairs, with one
    utilizing a stretched length of garter.
    Ten Twenty
  • Stick game, better be good at it.
    • Two players, one flat stick (usually 3') and one short flat
    piece of wood (4" usually a piece cut from the flat stick).
  • The game requires 3 or more players. Each player is provided with a
    large throw-away object (could be slippers or a shoe) called "pamato"

    Tumbang Preso
  • Filipino children collect these playing
    cards which contain comic strips and texts
    placed within speech balloon.
  • One tries to conquer the members of a group
    (as in claiming the members of another's clan).
    Ubusan Lahi