In 1968, there was a terrible famine in Biafra, Nigeria, and churches in the UK wanted to do something to help. In response, an organisation called the Evangelical Alliance launched Tearfund-known at first as The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund. The Church remains central to the vision and mission of Tearfund to this day, as its staff and partners follow the example set by the stories of Jesus, traveling to places in great need, responding to disasters and helping vulnerable communities to transform out of poverty. Across the UK, churches donate, hold fundraising events, pray and raise awareness to make possible the work of Tearfund. And in nearly 50 countries around the world, Tearfund works closely with local churches to enable the world's poorest people to work themselves out of crushing poverty. In 2015, Tearfund was working with a massive 90,522 churches worldwide, and had seen literally tens of millions of people freed from poverty.