It is difficult to know how many Christians there are in the world. Estimates vary from 1.5 to 2.5 billion. Up to a third of the world's population claim some sort of Christian faith. This figure includes people who may know little of the Christian faith and rarely attend church but in a census declare themselves as Christian.
The Church has grown rapidly from the time of Christ and is still doing so in South America, Africa and Asia. This is not the case in the USA and Europe, despite Church growth programmes, or in the Middle East where Christians have suffered much persecution.
In 2010 there were nearly 1.1 billion Catholics, a big increase on the estimated 291 million in 1910. Despite opposition from the communist government, it is estimated that in China there will soon be more Christians than in any other country of the world. In 1900 there were no Protestant churches in South Korea, now the capital city of Seoul alone has 7000 with the Yoido Full Gospel Church reporting that it has a million members.
It is estimated that churches in Africa are increasing by an average of 34,000 people per day. Worldwide, something lile 80,000 people become Christians each day, and over 500 new churches are formed.
Christians believe that when Jesus died on the cross and rose again he saved human beings from sin, and through his grace made it possible for 'God's enemies' - humankind - to be forgiven and become his friends.
The Corrymeela Community seeks to promote harmony and reconciliation. People from various backgrounds gather at the residential centre on the north coast of Ireland for a time of peace-building through the healing of social, religious and political divisions.
The International Society for Human Rights claims that 80 per cent of all acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed at Christians. The Pew Research centre reported that, in 2012, Christians were discriminated against in 139 countries- almost 75 per cent of the world's nations.
In 2015 it was reported that the ten countries where the most serious persecution of Christians was taking place are North Korea, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, Eritrea and Nigeria.
Christians face discrimination, including physical punishment and death sentences, for practising their faith
Terrorist attack which targeted two Coptic Christian churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday in 2017 - 44 died and over 100 people were injured in the explosions
A worldwide interdenominational movement within Protestant Christianity that emphasises the centrality of being "born again" in which an individual experiences personal conversion, the authority of the Bible as God's revelation to humanity and spreading the Christian message