Food Banks

Cards (19)

  • Church
    The holy people of God, also called the Body of Christ, among whom Christ is present and active
  • Church
    A building in which Christians worship
  • The word 'church' comes from the Greek word 'ekklesia' which is defined as an assembly, or a gathering of Christian people</b>
  • The root meaning of 'church' is not that of a building, but of people
  • Originally the early Church did not have a special building and Christians met together in people's homes
  • The New Testament explains that the Church consists of a group of believers under the leadership of Jesus
  • The Church is made up of the followers of Jesus in the local community
  • The Church
    • Provides a location where Christians from the local community can meet, worship, pray, obtain spiritual guidance and socialise
    • Fulfils needs in the local community, for example a mothers' and toddlers' group or youth club
  • The role of the Church is not confined to the building
  • What the Church has been a major source of
    • Social services like schooling and medical care
    • Inspiration for art and culture
    • Campaigns for justice and championed the neglected
  • In modern Britain the Church has become involved in projects that help the local community, such as food banks
  • Matthew 25:35-36: 'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
  • This work fits with Christian teachings to act with compassion to those in need
  • The Trussell Trust food banks
    • Provide emergency food, help and support to people in crisis in the UK
    • Based on Christian principles, shown, for example, in the parable of the Sheep and Goats
    • Aim to bring people together (religious and non-religious) to work towards ending poverty and hunger in Britain
  • Factors that may contribute to an emergency situation
    • Rising prices
    • Cuts in welfare benefits
    • Redundancy
    • Family breakdown
    • Unexpected expense
  • The Trussell Trust food banks

    • Non-perishable food is donated and sorted by volunteers
    • Care professionals identify people in crisis and issue a food voucher
    • In exchange for their food voucher, three days of nutritionally balanced food is provided
    • Some food banks provide courses designed to help people eat well and spend less
  • There are around 420 Trussell Trust food banks in the UK and in a year they provide food for nearly 1,000,000 people
  • The Oasis Project
    • A community hub with an internet café, creative courses, a job club, training opportunities and a base for meetings
    • Also runs a food bank
    • Paid staff are supported by volunteers and session tutors
    • Around 200 people use the centre each week and spiritual and practical support is given to those who need it
  • The parable of the Sheep and Goats
    May inspire Christians to provide for those in need