Holy Communion

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  • Holy Communion
    A service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine; also called Eucharist, Mass, the Lord's Supper, the Breaking of Bread and the Divine Liturgy
  • Eucharist
    From a Greek word meaning thanksgiving; a service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine
  • Holy Communion is at the centre of many Christians' lives and worship
  • Through Holy Communion, Christians believe they receive God's grace by joining in the great sacrifice of Jesus
  • Holy Communion brings the community of believers together in unity, strengthening their commitment to their faith
  • Holy Communion calls Christians to put the love they have experienced from God into practice by loving others
  • Holy Communion reminds Christians that while they break bread together, there are many in the world who are starving
  • Holy Communion encourages Christians to work for equality and justice for all
  • Many churches collect money during the Holy Communion service to support work being done for developing countries, the elderly, prisoners and the homeless
  • Celebrating Holy Communion
    1. Ministry of the Word (focus on God's word in the Bible)
    2. Ministry of Holy Communion (offering, consecrating and sharing the bread and wine)
  • The Divine Liturgy in the Orthodox Church
    • Recreates heaven on earth
    • Much of the service takes place on the altar in the sanctuary behind a screen (iconostasis) which represents the divide between earth and heaven
    • Priest passes through the iconostasis using the Royal Doors
    • Church is filled with candles and incense to help people feel God's presence
  • Liturgy of the Word in the Divine Liturgy
    1. Hymns, prayers and a reading from the Bible
    2. Priest comes through the Royal Doors to chant the Gospel
    3. There may be a sermon
  • Liturgy of the Faithful in the Divine Liturgy
    1. Priest comes through the Royal Doors to receive wine and bread baked by members of the congregation
    2. Creed, Lord's Prayer and other prayers are offered
    3. Behind closed Royal Doors, the priest says the words Jesus said at the Last Supper
    4. Bread is divided into four, three parts consecrated as the body and blood of Christ, fourth part unconsecrated
    5. Priest comes through the Royal Doors to distribute the consecrated bread and wine
    6. Prayers of thanksgiving are said after communion
    7. Priest gives people pieces of the unconsecrated bread to take home
  • Catholic Mass
    1. Begins with greeting, prayers of penance and praise (Gloria)
    2. Liturgy of the Word (3 Bible readings, psalm, homily)
    3. Liturgy of the Eucharist (offerings of bread and wine, Eucharistic Prayer, Lord's Prayer, sign of peace, communion)
    4. Priest blesses the people and sends them out
  • Anglican Holy Communion service
    • Almost identical to Catholic Mass, with one small difference - the 'peace' is shared at a different point in the service
    • Some Anglicans believe the bread and wine are transformed into Christ's body and blood, others believe Jesus is present in a spiritual way
  • Holy Communion in Nonconformist churches
    1. Begins with hymn and prayer of praise and thanksgiving
    2. Bible readings and sermon
    3. Congregation prays for the world and particular people
    4. Minister reminds congregation of Jesus' words and actions at the Last Supper, takes bread and wine, says prayer of thanksgiving
    5. Open table so anyone can receive communion
    6. People may come forward or bread and wine passed around
    7. Prayer of thanksgiving, blessing and encouragement to serve God