Communicating with God in silence or aloud, with others or alone, using set prayers or informal prayer
Set prayers
Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. "Catholic Grace before meals"
Informal prayer
Praying spontaneously for a meal using own words
Prayer positions
Kneeling with hands pressed together
Standing (Orthodox)
Sitting (Nonconformists)
Kneeling (Anglicans)
Raising hands (to invite Holy Spirit)
Prayer aids
Rosary (Catholics)
Icons (Orthodox Christians)
Christians believe that God will answer prayer but not always in the way the person would like
Prayer can help someone accept God's will even if it means suffering
Set prayers
Prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person, for example the Lord's Prayer
Informal prayer
Prayer that is made up by an individual using his or her own words
An English Protestant who does not conform to the doctrines or practices of the established Church of England
Worship is not just about attending public services, it affects the whole of a Christian's life
Private worship helps Christians build up a discipline which gives them strength to cope in times of trouble
Private worship encourages a routine that allows time for reflection in a busy day
Through prayer and meditation Christians find peace and a sense of communion with God in their everyday life as followers of Jesus
The Lord's Prayer
The prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus, also known as the 'Our Father'
The Lord's Prayer gives individual Christians a pattern for how to pray as it combines giving praise to God and asking for one's needs
When used as a private prayer, a Christian is reminded that he or she must forgive others in order to be forgiven
The Lord's Prayer reminds Christians that God is the Father of the whole community, not just of the individual
The Lord's Prayer is used often in Christian worship and tends to be prayed out loud by all members of the congregation together
The Lord's Prayer is nearly always said at Holy Communion, baptisms, marriages, and funerals
The Lord's Prayer can bring a sense of unity and spiritual purpose in society at important times, for example when recited at commemoration services after a tragic event
An invocation (call) or act that seeks to activate a relationship with an object of worship through deliberate communication
Prayer (narrow sense)
An act of supplication or intercession directed towards a deity
Prayer (general)
Can also have the purpose of thanksgiving or praise, and in comparative religion is closely associated with more abstract forms of meditation
Forms of prayer
Praising God
Saying sorry
Thanking God
Asking for something
Praying for someone who may be ill
Set prayers
Prayers that follow a certain format and are repeated, often learned by heart
Set prayers
The grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ...
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, sinner
A Catholic prayer involving running one's hands through a set of beads and saying certain set prayers
Lord's Prayer
The most widely known prayer in Christianity, taught by Jesus to his followers
The Lord's Prayer is said across most denominations and forms part of most liturgical worship services worldwide
Informal prayers
Prayers that do not follow a script, but rather leave it for improvisation
Extempore prayer
A moment when a pastor or worshipper prays with the congregation in their own way, using their own words
Arrow prayer
Very short prayers addressed to God spontaneously at a time of urgent need or in response to a particular situation
Deepens a person's faith
Helps the believer come to a greater understanding of God's purpose for their lives
When a prayer is not answered
It may be that the person asked for something God thinks would not be good for them, or that their prayer will be answered later