-OCD is caused by abnormallevels of neurotransmitters
-the genes associated with OCD are likely to affect the levels of keyneurotransmitters (dopamine and serotonin), as well as keystructures of the brain
What is the serotonin explanation for OCD?
-OCD is caused by low levels of serotonin
-if a person has low levels of serotonin, normal transmission of mood-relevant information does not take place, so mood (and other mental processes) are affected
The frontallobes are responsible for decisionmaking and logic. The lateral of the frontal lobes, when functioning abnormally, may be associated with impaireddecisionmaking.
Evaluate the neural explanation for OCD.?
Strengths: SSRI's are effective at reducing OCD symptoms. which suggests serotonin may be involved in OCD
Limitations: low levels of serotonin and low activity in the frontal lobes are neural correlates of OCD