Hydrothermal alteration associated with hot magmatic and wall rock volatile fluids
Dynamic metamorphism due to brittle extensional faulting (upper crust) and ductile shearing (lower crust)
Burial metamorphism producing Zeolite Facies and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies due to thick deposition of non-marine detrital sediment sequences in rift basins
B. Ocean Ridges
Extensive hydrothermal metamorphism resulting to Albite-Epidote Hornfels Facies, Zeolite Facies and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies.
At deeper levels, Hornblende Facies are produced.
Convergent Boundaries
a . Outer Metamorphic Belts
Outer metamorphic belt on ocean or trench side, consisting of Sanbagawa Facies Series (rapid steep subduction) or Franciscan Facies Series (slow shallower subduction)
Contain Hornfels Facies, Zeolite Facies, Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies, overprinted by Greenschist Facies and Blueschist Facies & Eclogite Facies.
B. Inner Metamorphic Belt
Inner metamorphic belt on the continent or arc side along the magmatic arc complex, consisting of Buchan Facies Series or Barrovian Facies Series.
C. Ocean-Ocean convergence
i. Trench and Subduction Zone
Ocean plate subduction results to Sanbagawa Facies Series and Franciscan Facies Series and can later be incorporated into forearc accretionary wedges and melanges.
Zeolite, Prehnite-Pumpellyite, Greenschist, Amphibolite, and Granulite Facies
Blueschist Facies and rare Eclogite Facies
C. Ocean-Ocean convergence
ii. Forearc Basins and Basements
Between the uplifted accretionary wedge/subduction zone complex and the volcanic arc
Burial Metamorphism of deposited sediments, resulting to Zeolite and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies.
C. Ocean-Ocean convergence
iii. Magmatic Arc Complexes
Deep intermediate to silicic plutons overlain by composite island arc volcanoes
Generates Contact, Buchan, and lesser Barrovian Facies Series.
C. Ocean-Ocean convergence
iv. Back-arc basin and Pull-apart basin
Develop in response to tensional stress within arc complex
Zeolite, Prehnite-Pumpellyite, and Hornfels Facies at shallow depths. Greenschist Facies at deeper levels.
Pull-apart basins form Sub-greenschist conditions on the Zeolite and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies.
D. Ocean-Continent Convergence
i. Fold and Thrust Belts
Produce regional Buchan to Barrovian Facies Series
Zeolite and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies develop in thick deposition of sediments including flysch and molasse deposits.
D. Continent-Continent Convergence
Suture Zones marks the former subduction trench after an ocean basin has closed and subduction ceased
Lithospheric thickening to Barrovian Facies Series
Elevated P-T results to Greenschist, Amphibolite, and Granulite Facies