topic 8 ( metamorphoc facies series )

Cards (19)

  • Metamorphic Facies Series
    Sequence of facies occurring across a metamorphic terrane due to differences in pressure and temperature conditions related to space and time.
  • Low P/T
    • Contact Facies Series
    • Buchan Facies Series
  • Moderate P/T
    • Barrovian Facies Series
  • High P/T
    • Sanbagawa Facies Series
    • Franciscan Facies Series
    • Contact Facies Series
    • Low pressure (<2.5 kbar), 8km depth, but moderate to high temperature; geothermal gradient is >80oC/km
    • Higher heat input due to magmatic intrusion; contact metamorphism in aureoles;
    • Recorded by Hornfels Facies
  • Buchan/Abukuma Facies Series
    • Defined by low to moderate P/T assemblages; geothermal gradient of 40oC/km – 80oC/km
    • Reflect high temperature but moderate pressure
    • Develop by regional metamorphism and convergent magmatic activity; commonly foliated
    1. Barrovian Facies Series
    • Reflect progressive increase in temperature and pressure during regional metamorphism; geothermal gradient of 20oC/km – 40oC/km
    • In thickening orogenic belts; display foliated texture
  • Sanbagawa Facies Series
    • Reflect rapid pressure increase relative to temperature during regional metamorphism at convergent boundary; geothermal gradient of 10oC/km – 20oC/km
    • Slightly temperature from slower subduction or higher geothermal gradient during subduction
    1. Franciscan Facies Series
    • Unusual high P/T ratio in progressive metamorphism; geothermal gradient of < 10oC/km
    • Reflects progressive rapid pressure increase relative to slow increase in temperature in subduction zones
    • Geobarometer markers: jadeite, glaucophane, lawsonite
    • Divergent Boundaries
    continental rifts
    • Contact metamorphism from magmatic intrusion
    • Hydrothermal alteration associated with hot magmatic and wall rock volatile fluids
    • Dynamic metamorphism due to brittle extensional faulting (upper crust) and ductile shearing (lower crust)
    • Burial metamorphism producing Zeolite Facies and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies due to thick deposition of non-marine detrital sediment sequences in rift basins
  • B. Ocean Ridges
    • Extensive hydrothermal metamorphism resulting to Albite-Epidote Hornfels Facies, Zeolite Facies and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies. 
    • At deeper levels, Hornblende Facies are produced. 
    • Convergent Boundaries
    a . Outer Metamorphic Belts
    • Outer metamorphic belt on ocean or trench side, consisting of Sanbagawa Facies Series (rapid steep subduction) or Franciscan Facies Series (slow shallower subduction)
    • Contain Hornfels Facies, Zeolite Facies, Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies, overprinted by Greenschist Facies and Blueschist Facies & Eclogite Facies. 
  • B. Inner Metamorphic Belt
    • Inner metamorphic belt on the continent or arc side along the magmatic arc complex, consisting of Buchan Facies Series or Barrovian Facies Series. 
  • C. Ocean-Ocean convergence
    i. Trench and Subduction Zone
    • Ocean plate subduction results to Sanbagawa Facies Series and Franciscan Facies Series and can later be incorporated into forearc accretionary wedges and melanges. 
    • Zeolite, Prehnite-Pumpellyite, Greenschist, Amphibolite, and Granulite Facies
    • Blueschist Facies and rare Eclogite Facies
  • C. Ocean-Ocean convergence
    ii. Forearc Basins and Basements
    • Between the uplifted accretionary wedge/subduction zone complex and the volcanic arc
    • Burial Metamorphism of deposited sediments, resulting to Zeolite and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies. 
  • C. Ocean-Ocean convergence
    iii. Magmatic Arc Complexes
    • Deep intermediate to silicic plutons overlain by composite island arc volcanoes
    • Generates Contact, Buchan, and lesser Barrovian Facies Series. 
  • C. Ocean-Ocean convergence
       iv. Back-arc basin and Pull-apart basin
    • Develop in response to tensional stress within arc complex
    • Zeolite, Prehnite-Pumpellyite, and Hornfels Facies at shallow depths. Greenschist Facies at deeper levels. 
    • Pull-apart basins form Sub-greenschist conditions on the Zeolite and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies. 
  • D. Ocean-Continent Convergence
    i. Fold and Thrust Belts
    • Produce regional Buchan to Barrovian Facies Series
    • Zeolite and Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies develop in thick deposition of sediments including flysch and molasse deposits. 
  • D. Continent-Continent Convergence
    • Suture Zones marks the former subduction trench after an ocean basin has closed and subduction ceased
    • Lithospheric thickening to Barrovian Facies Series
    • Elevated P-T results to Greenschist, Amphibolite, and Granulite Facies