Influence of pressure groups

Cards (4)

  • Positive influence of pressure groups
    • Increase public participation
    • Provide a platform for members of the public to convey their opinion on government and proposed policies
    • Help the government understand what issues are important and popular amongst the public
    • Due to the ease and simplicity of joining, people are more likely to take part and choose the issues which directly affect them
  • Examples of pressure groups
    • RSPB (over 1 million members)
    • National Trust (over 3.7 million members)
    • Conservative Party (around 150,000 members)
  • Having a large following
    Pressure groups often receive significant funding and financial support, allowing them to campaign more effectively
  • Negative influence of pressure groups
    They do not have to be held accountable, unlike political parties, which sometimes leads to them exploiting their position, acting illegally or promoting civil disobedience