Guilt focused

Cards (5)

  • Points covered?
    1. Use of supernatural
    2. Motif of blood and sleep
    3. Pivotal banquet scene
    4. Final soliloquy
  • Use of supernatural plan?
    'Is this a dagger which I see before, the handle towards my heart'
    • Uses supernatural to show Macbeth's hallucination and his guilty conscience after Lady Macbeth coerces him into the murder
    'a coward in thine own esteem'
    • Word choice of 'coward' has connotations of weakness which contrasts earlier being called 'Brave Macbeth' and coerces him into the murder
  • Motif of blood and sleep plan?
    'Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep'
    • Foreshadows Macbeth's future lack of sleep
    'Would all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood off my hands'
    • Metaphor meaning that just as Neptune controls all the water in the world, so if Macbeth had all the water in the world he would still not be clean.
    • The blood Macbeth is seeing is a hallucination
  • Pivotal banquet scene plan?
    'Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me'
    • Word choice of 'gory' has connotations of blood and dirt. This tells the listening thanes that harm has been done to the ghost
    'It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood'
    • Repetition of 'blood' highlights it constantly being on Macbeth's mind
  • Final soliloquy plan?
    'Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day'
    • Repetition shows how Macbeth feels time is passing by slowly and without purpose
    'Life is a tale told by an idiot'
    • shows that he knows his actions only led to guilt and misery