1. Invasion-success-Scots defeated- James V died- heir was 1 wook old Mary Stuart
2. HB didn't invade Scotland-more interested in France
3. HB pursued policy of 'rough wooing-marriage of Edward to Mary
4. Edward + Mary formally betrothed
5. Earl of Arran deserted English + Scottish govemment would not ratify the Treaty
6. HB ordered the Earl of Hertford to raid Edinburgh, Leith St. Andrews punishment
7. H8 made an alliance with HRE allowing him to invade France
8. H8-huge army (HB had serious health problems)
9. Imperial aliance said H8 should have marched on Paris but HB decided to stay in Calais
10. Emperor had enough of the conflict made separate peace with France
11. Francis-troops to Scotland for invasion
12. English defeated- Ancrum Moor
13. French landed in Isle of Wight
14. Mary Rose sank in Solent
15. Peace agreed-both ran out of £