Interpret that men and women having different roles gives more power to capitalism to be able to control family life
Women who stay at home doing unpaid work supports the capitalist society
Children are raised by women who then provide the next generation of workers for the capitalist society. They are socialised to accept their position in a capitalist society
Zaretsky didn't believe that the family could provide for psychological and social needs for individuals
Zaretsky argues that the family supports capitalism as they are a unit of consumption
Zaretsky believes that the family allows individuals to express their frustrations of capitalism without threatening capitalism
Family helps capitalism as it reduces stress from being exploited
Zaretsky believes that socialism will ned the artificial separation of family and public life
It ignores the family diversity within a capitalist society and how lots of women now work full time
Feminists think that it ignores the inequality between men and women
It ignores the benefits of a nuclear family, such as both parents being able to support and socialise their children
They see women's exploitation only as a consequence of capitalism