the coroner's talk

Cards (9)

  • what is the medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD)?
    A medical certificate of cause of death ( MCCD ) enables the deceased's family to register the death. This provides a permanent legal record of the fact of death and enables the family to arrange disposal of the body, and to settle the deceased's estate.
  • what does a doctor need to do when filling in a MCCD?
    • need to write the cause of death, natural or not, main cause of death and complications that may have contributed
    • need to say when they last saw the patient before death and if the have been seen after
    • no abbreviations
  • After completion, the MCCD is submitted to the registrar of births, deaths, and marriages. The registrar uses this information to officially register the death, issuing the death certificate. Accurate recording of deaths is crucial for various administrative, legal, and statistical purposes, including inheritance, insurance claims, and public health monitoring.
    condition needs to be on the RCPath cause of death list otherwise a medical examiner
  • why might a medical examiner be involved?
    A medical examiner may be involved in cases where there are suspicions or uncertainties surrounding the cause of death. Their role is to conduct forensic examinations and investigations to determine the cause and manner of death, particularly in cases that are sudden, unexpected, or suspicious.
  • a separate from is needed for cremation but not burial
  • why does the coroner get involved?
    Following a death a Coroner must conduct an investigation if there
    is reason to suspect:
    •The deceased died a violent or unnatural death
    •The cause of death is unknown
    •The deceased died while in custody or state detention which no longer includes DoLS (deprivation of liberty safeguard - when it is necessary to deprive of their liberty a resident or patient who lacks capacity to consent to their care and treatment in order to keep them safe from harm.)
    •medical practitioner must notify Coroner of a death if
    1. they suspect that the person’s death was due to…LIST OF NASTY STUFF
    2. they suspect that the person’s death was unnatural
    3. the cause of death is unknown
    4. the person died while in custody or otherwise in state detention
    5. there is no attending medical practitioner required to sign a MCCD
    6. the attending medical practitioner is not available within a reasonable time of the person’s death to sign a MCCD
    7. the identity of the deceased cannot be ascertained
  • what does the initial coronial investigation involve?
    •Natural Causes and certificate issued
    •Inquest with/without jury of:
    •Who died
    •When they died
    •Where they died
    •How they came about their death
  • when the initial coronial investigation is happening
    you are not on trial you are the witness
    mostly not in person - asked to make a coronial statement, make it brief and include yours and the families concerns etc..
    get help if need - support from seniors, trust, defence organisation