
Cards (60)

  • diabetes king et al., 1999
  • leptin- starvation hormone- hayes et al., 2009
  • satisafaction hormone
  • food individual diffrences moran et al 2009
  • obesity- fothergill et al 2016
  • aging population christenson et al 2009
  • ApoE 4 and 2 Lambert et al 2009
  • Risk factor who, 2008
  • cognitive delays onset alzheimers- snowdon et al 1997
  • dopamine loss= intellectual impairment McNama et al 2002
  • lovedopa and dopamine agonist- poeuve et al 2010
  • CBT- carrion 2018
  • preclinical detection- meta-analysis Dubois 2016
  • parkinsons bradykinsea
  • leg swinging soussignon and Koch 1985
  • seyle gas theory 1936
  • stress individual differences- roelfsema 2017
  • mediation factors prenatal stressors is rat mothers - henry et al 1994
  • split brain research- sperry 1968, cant transfer from one side to the other
  • fMRI just as good as wade- baur et al 2013
  • kreitewolfe et al 2013 speech perception and understanding better in right
  • DLT and fMRI - best together Hund-Georgias et al 2002
  • stress may cause health problems such as cardiovascular diseases - Chrousos 2009
  • homeostasis - salvation study- showing it might be out of habit Pavlov
  • stress - little albert - prone to stress
  • sry protein= germinal bridge berta et al 1990
  • men produce more testosterone from leydig cells in the testses (Anders et al 2015)
  • testosterone is made in the ovaries but converted to estrogen burger 2002
  • intra uterine environment- walf and frye 2012- pregnant adult mothers, boy offspring- less testosterone and more stressed
  • Bigsby et al 1999- endocrine distruptors- plastic binds to receptors= masculinization, increased stress
  • evidence of estrogen in males- Wu et al., 2010
  • adolecents both given estrogen or testosterone = increased aggression Finklestein et al 1997
  • stress differences- females have a delayed return of ACTH and cortisol after stress (Babb et al 2013)
  • organisational and activational hypothesis (Phoenix et al., 1959) - organisational -early, activ - later in life
  • rose et al 1971 rhesus monkeys decreased testosterone after losing a fight
  • hormone is a chemical messanger - Starling 1985
  • 3 types of hormones- monoamine, protein, steroid (carbon rings)
  • monoamines are neurotransmitters that act as hormones when released into the bloodstream (e.g serotonin)
  • steroids include oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone
  • exocrine out and endocrine in0 bloodstream