the three mesozoic orogenys are all oceanic-continental subduction with eastwards subduction
Servier orogeny can be described as thin skinned tectonics
laramide orogeny can be described as thick skin tectonics
pangea began to break apart in the triassic
the warmest time in earths history was the cretaceous
the final marine regression from the western interior was during the cretaceous
the main cause of the cretaceous mass extinction was an asteroid impact
The cretaceous mass extinction could also be caused by the decan traps and extensive volcanism in india
the cretaceous mass extinction occured around 66 mya
during the cretaceous mass extinction dinosaurs went extinct
scleratinian corals are the dominant reef builders in the triassic
the dominant reef builder today is scleratinian corals
crinoids were at their peak diversity during the Mississippian period
The devonian was the age of the fish
the first reptiles appeared during the pennsylvanian period
dinosaurs lived from the late triassic to the cretaceous
the first large forests appeared during the devonian period
cycads were the dominant trees in the jurassic
the first flowering plants appeared in the cretaceous
the pleistocene epoch ranged from 2.6 million to 10,000 years ago
wobble of axis - 20,000 years
change in tilt of axis - 40,000 years
change in orbit around sun - 100,000 years
the pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles appear to sclae with the combined effects of all three milankovitch cycles and the 100,000 year milankovitch cycle.
Mechanisms for long term cooling:
The artic oceans being nearly land locked: this restricts warm water from entering near the pole areas
South pole has been covered by continent since 23 million years ago: this effects reflectivity and heat absorption becuase continents are good reflectors of solar radiation.