Microscopical examination: examine under microscope
Paraffin method techniques
Sectioning (Cutting)
The process by which cells and tissue are fixed in a physical and chemical state so that they will withstand subsequent treatment with various reagents with minimumloss of architecture
The process of pulling the water from the sample, carried out by using alcohol in various dilutions
The step done by using Xylol or Chloroform
The process of allowing the tissue to be impregnated with paraffin wax at its melting point temperature of 54-60°C
The process of trimming the paraffin block and cutting thin sections of 5 μm thickness using a rotary microtome
Microtomy is a tool used to cut extremely thin slices of material, known as sections, for microscopy
Staining with Hematoxylin-Eosin (H&E)
1. Xylene
2. Alcohol 70%
3. Alcohol 90%
4. Alcohol absolute
5. Hematoxylin
6. Wash with tap water
7. Eosin
8. Wash with tap water
9. Dry in oven
10. Clear with xylene and mount with Canada balsam
Frozen section biopsy
Used for spot diagnosis, using fresh unfixed tissue cut at -20 to -30°C in a cryostat machine
Basic dye that stains acidic structures (basophilic) like nucleus and ribosomes
Acidic dye that stains basic structures (acidophilic/eosinophilic) like mitochondria, collagen fibers and muscle fibers
H&E stain gives the nucleus a blue color and the cytoplasm & extracellular matrix a pinkish color
Special stains
Any staining other than H&E, used to visualize particular tissue structures, elements, or microorganisms