Measurable elements that can vary or take different values along dimension.
Hypothesis should meet certain basic criteria such as: testable, falsifiable, parsimonious, fruitful, and syntheticstatement
Is a statement of your predictions on how events, traits, or behaviors might be related.
In true experiment, the hypothesis predicts the effects of specific antecedent conditions on some behavior than is to be measured.
Experimental results cannot be interpreted with certainty.
Through induction, we devise general principles and theories that can be used to organize, optimize, explain, and predict behavior until more satisfactory principles are found.
Parsimony means that we prefer a simple hypothesis over one requiring many supporting assumptions.
For this reason, a hypothesis must be capable of being true or false, which is a property of syntheticstatements.
Induction is reasoning from specific cases to general principles to form a hypothesis.
Deduction is reasoning from general principles to specific predictions.
An experimental hypothesis is testable when it can be assessed by manipulating an IV and measuring the results on the DV.
It must be stated in what is known as “If … then” form.
An experimental hypothesis is a tentative explanation of an event or a behavior. It is a statement that predicts the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable
When the value of extraneous variable changes systematically across different conditions of an experiment, we have a situation known as Confounding.
DependentVariable, outcome the researcher are trying to explain.
A theory is a set of general principles that can be used to explain and predict behavior.
Hypothesis should also be fruitful, meaning, it should lead to new studies.
Nonsyntheticstatements should be avoided at all cost. It has 2 categories – analytic and contradictory.
Hypothesis is the thesis, or main idea of an experiment.
BF Skinner: advocate for inductive research in psychology.
Extraneous variable can affect the results.
IndependentVariable, what the experimenter intentionally manipulates.
Induction is the basic tool of theory building
Through deduction we rigorously test the implications of those theories.
To ensure that a hypothesis is a syntheticstatement, we must evaluate its form.
A simple hypothesis allows us to focus our attention on the main factors that influence our dependent variable.
Causal relationships between the IV and DV cannot be inferred.
is approach is used to test the assumptions of a well-developed theory.
Analyticstatement is one that is always true
It is an explanation of a relationship between two or more variables.
DependentVariable, sometimes called as the “dependent measures”
By examining individual instances, we may be able to construct an overall explanatory scheme to describe them.
Without testability, we cannot evaluate the validity of a hypothesis.
Causal relationships between the IV and DV cannot be inferred.