Main reason of the negative impact is the human population is increasing.
We introduce technology without knowing how it will influence the environment?
Advancing Technologies
A large loss of rainforest and its biodiversity?
Direct Harvesting
Had many adverse influences on air, water and land?
Greenhouse gases due to the burning of fossil fuels and depletion of our ozone layer?
Atmospheric Changes
Importing foreign organisms have caused problems for native organsims. Also known as exotic species?
Three major environmental problems:
Global warming
Caused by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide pollution from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. They combine with water vapor?
Acid Percipitation
Some problems associated with Acid Percipitation:
Streams and lakes becoming more acidic, killing fish, frogs and other life.
Damage forests and plants and deteriorates buildings.
We can use alternative energy sources such as solar panels for electricity and hotwaterheaters.
Burning fossil fuels and other pollution increases the amount of CO2 in the air. This can potentially increase the earth’s temperature?
Global Warming
Include gasoline, coal and oil?
Fossil fuels
Carbon Dioxide is also known as?
Greenhouse gas
Consequences of Global Warming:
Risingsealevels and coastalflooding.
Changedrainpatterns resulting in droughts and cropfailure.
Increase in insectdiseases in regions.
Use of CFC’s or _____ lowers ozone by breaking up O3 They are also released from some refrigerators and air conditioning systems. Consequences: skincancer, cataracts?
This is where allweatheroccurs. From 0km to 10km above sea level. Temperature goes from warm to cold as you increase in altitude?
Means layer or spread out?
Contains the Ozonelayer. From 10km to 50km above sea level. Plane often fly here. Temperaturegoesup as you rise in altitude due to the ozone absorbing the sun's heat?
Means middle?
Middle layer of the atmosphere. Starts from 50km above sea level and ends at 80km. Protects the Earth from asteroids.Temperature goes down as altitudegoesup?
Means heat?
Temperatures reach up to 1800degreesCelsius or 3272degreesFahrenheit.80km above sea level and has nodefinite end. As you increase in altitude, temperaturegoesup?
Sun's energy heats molecules to become ions.80km to 500km in the atmosphere. Known for causing AuroraBorealis.Temperature goes up as you increase in altitude?
Extends from 500km and extends into space.Satellites orbit Earth in this layer. Temperatureincrease as you increasealtitude?
Horizontal movement of air?
Wind is caused by:
Differences in temperature
Differences in pressure
Make the molecules move faster and spreadout?
Warm air
Warm air is:
Makes the molecules move slower and grouped together?
Cold air
Cold air is:
Rising air creates?
Sinking air creates?
High pressure
2 types of winds:
Patterns of wind that happen allovertheworld. They are created by the spin of the earth and the difference in temperatures?
Global winds
These winds blow close to the north and south poles. They blow away from the poles and curve east to west. These winds are cold, dry winds?
Polar Easterlies
These winds predict most of our weather. They blow from west to east across the globe?