old tongue

Cards (10)

  • forced
    has connotations of struggle, suggests that this was traumatic and that she made made to do that and didnt go willingly
  • words fell off my tongue
    fell off - suggests it was an accident and it happened easily
  • stretch like my bones
    similie - her language is changing whilst she is growing up in the new place
  • words disappeared in the dead of night
    they disappear sneakily, almost secretive , she dosent even notice it happening
  • marched in
    word choice - suggests an invading army makes her feel helpless
  • my old words, my lost words
    repetition - emphasises the sadness she feels that she has lost her old words
  • did you ever try and call it back like calling it in the sea
    similie - comparing it to calling something in the sea which is a nearly impossible task. suggests that getting her old tongue back is near impossible
  • it made my mothers blood boil
    alliteration - suggests mothers anger
  • i cried one day
    suggests she is feeling overwhelmed that she has lost her old tongue and that she is feeling very sad
  • i wanted to gie it laldie
    trying to reclaim her old tongue in the final line