Conflict and consensus theories

Cards (18)

  • What type of theories are marxism and functionalism?

    Structural macro theories
  • What is the organic analogy proposed by Parsons?

    Argues that like the body society 'organs' work together for society to function adequately
  • What did Durkheim argue that value consensus prevents?

    Anomie which is social dysfunction
  • What does Merton argue about functionalism?

    Society doesn't work for everyone as inequality exists
  • How can functionalism be seen as deterministic?

    It ignores free will and argues that people need to act a certain way in order for society to function
  • What do post-modernists argue about functionalism?

    Modern society is too diverse for functionalism to be accurate
  • What does the family do according to new rights?

    It socialises children into the traditional norms and values of society
  • What do new right argue about the decline of values?

    It has caused the breakdown of society
  • What do Abbott and Wallace argue about the new right view?

    They place too much of an importance on marriage
  • What are the 2 classes argued by Marx?
    The bourgeoisie and proletariat classes
  • What does the base superstructure theory produce?

    Creates a false class consciousness
  • Who is the neo-marxist that identified ISA's?

  • What is an evaluation of marxism?
    It is too deterministic and argues that people are unaware of their exploitation
  • Give an example of a liberal feminist?

  • Give an example of a marxists feminist?

  • Give an example of a black feminist?
    bell hooks
  • What type of feminists see the differences between women?
    Difference feminists
  • What does Ansley say?

    Women are takers of shit