primary site for photosynthesis: spongy & palisade mesophyll due to chloroplasts abundance.
leaf structure: guardcells : pairs of kidney-shaped cells regulate exchange of CO2 and O2 with the atmosphere and allow H2Ovapour to escape by transpiration
Stomata: assists in PS by transpiration pull and evaporating effect to cool enzymes
chlorophyll: porphyin ring and phytol tail
stomata: composed of guardcells, radialcellulosemicrofibrils, terminalattachments
when stomata is open the cells are turgid (swollen) caused by an increase in K+ and water in the guard cells. they swell unevenly because the inner walls are thicker.
when stomata closed the cells are flaccid because the K+ and water movesout of the guard cells and they shrink.
calvin cycle: 1. 3 co2 + RuBP + 3 h2o = PGA. by enzyme rubisco.
calvin cycle 2. PGA + PO4 from atp -> 1,3 biphosphoglycerate