The application of physical and chemical processes to alter the geometry, properties and appearance of a given starting material to make parts or products including assembly of multiple parts
In 1924, Sakichi Toyoda invented the Toyoda Model G Automatic Loom. The principle of jidoka, which means the machine stops itself when a problem occurs
During manufacturing paper clips, there are some important considerations should be consider
Corrosion of material
Finalizing the design and select suitable material which is commercially available
Cost of material
Bending of material without cracking or breaking
Can the wire easy cut from long piece without excising wear on cutting tool
Machining , what is the economical method of manufacturing this product? This depend on production rate and Market competitive (national and inter nation market)
The width of the mushy zone, where both liquidus and solid phases are present, It is an important factor during solidification. This zone is described in terms of a temperature difference, as TL - Ts