Women are prioritising education and careers, leading to delay in having children/having children at all, thus leading to the decline of the fertility rate
Individualisation, Increased Choice & Decline in Stigma
Economical & Child-Centeredness
Reasons for changing in fertility
changing position of women Advances in medical technology Rise of individualism and decline of stigma Economic and child centeredness
changing positions of women
growth of feminism and the progression of rights.
Been a number of laws eg Legislation-1970 Equal Pay Act, 1975 Sex Discrimination Act and the 2006 Equality Act, Lewis - have been government and EU policies aimed at encouraging women, especially with children, into the workforce.
Women now see other possibilities in life apart from the traditional expressive role Wilkinson-has been a 'genderquake' as women no longer prioritise marriage and children.
Advances in Medical Technology
less stigma attached to taking contraception due to secularisation.-
Health of women and children also improved. ability of women to control their fertility led to change in attitudes of women and gave greater independence to control their lives.
Abortion Act 1967 legalised abortion in uk except NI safe abortion allows women to control their fertility and delay having children/having children at all etc.
IVF - enables childless people to have children , have kids older and focus on career etc
Individualisation, Increased Choice & Decline in Stigma
Families now - individualism and choice-seeking own opportunities and self interests. Women expect more than domestic work and childbirth. increased desire for material possessions and less desire for large families. Due to growing individualisation, there is less stigma attached to women choosing remaining childless which is often referred to as 'child free' instead of 'child less'.
Economical & Child-Centeredness
Kids were economic assets but now are an economic liability: Laws -banned child labour, introduced compulsory schooling and raised school leaving age meaning kids remain economically dependent on parents for longer
Prices of weddings, buying homes and the cost of living is very expensive.-refrain and/or delay having children in the face of rising unemployment and uncertainty.