Required Practical 8: analysis and purification of water samples from different sources, including pH, dissolved solids and distillation.
First, the student should analyse a sample of water.
1) Use a universal indicator to measure the pH of the water.
2) measure and record the mass of an empty evaporating dish.
3) pour 10cm3 of water into the evaporating dish. Evaporate the water using a bunsen burner, until most of the water has been evaporated.
4) once the evaporating dish is cooled, reweigh and measure the mass of the dish. record your results.
5) calculate the mass of the dissolved solids in the water.
Secondly, to purify the sample of water using distillation, the student should:
1) pour a sample of water into a conical flask and set up the apparatus for distillation.
2) Gently heat up the solution using a bunsen burner. Then, turn down the heat so that the water boils gently.
3) Collect around 1cm3 of water in the cooled test tube, then turn the bunsen burner off.
4) Analyse the sample of distilled water using cobalt chloride paper.