life & death quotes

Cards (30)

  • "natural selection has no purpose in has no vision no foresight"
  • "let us make mankind in out image in our likeness"
  • "cultivate and care for it"
  • "you have made them a little lower than angels and crowned them with glory and honour. you made them rulers over the works of your hands"
  • "love thy neighbour as thyself"
  • "do not judge or be judged"
  • "if theres a natural body there is also a spiritual body"
  • theory of evolution: explains that living creatures have evolved through a process of gradual change over millions of years, backed up my darwins study on the galapagos islands of birds.
  • william paley - argument of design : says the world is too complex in design to be made on accident due to a pocket watch he saw
  • the big bang theory: the universe began as a singularity, which expanded and cooled 13.8 billion years ago, background radiation, stephen hawking made contribution
  • speciesm peter singer : humans shouldnt discriminate agaisnt animals . its a form of prejudice that humans have in favour of our own species. says humans dont have greater moral rights than animals
  • "you shall not kill"
  • "the lord gave and the lord has taken away"
  • "for you created my inmost being"
  • "children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him"
  • stephen hawking : "we dont let animals suffer why humans"
  • "and God is faithful ; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear"
  • peter singer , personhood: humans need to have qualities of being a human this means they need to be able to think, feel, and act and if not euthanasia is acceptable.
  • situation ethics , joseph fletcher : allow the kindest action within each situation
  • evolution: the process in which different living creatures are believed to have developed from earlier less complex life forms during the history of the earth
  • environmental sustainability : ensuring that the demands placed on natural resources can be met without reducing capacity to allow all people and other species of animals as well as plant life to live well now and in the future
  • sanctity of life : that belief of life is precious or sacred. for many religious believers only humans hold this value as life is created by God
  • quality of life : the extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable.
  • abortion : when a pregnany is ended so that it doesnt result in the birth of a child
  • euthanasia : the act of killing or permitting the death of a person who is suffering from a serious and incurable illness
  • afterlife : life after death; the belief that the existence continues after physical death
  • soul : the spiritual aspect of a being; that connects someone to God, often regarded as non-physical and as living on after physical death in an afterlife
  • dualism : the idea that humans are made of two separate parts ; physical body and spiritual soul.
  • materialism : the view that nothing else exists apart from matter, all humans have is a phyiscal body
  • non-dualism: the body and soul are one they cannot be separated