brooklyn cop

Cards (15)

  • built like a gorilla but less timid
    simile: 'like' shows the similarities between the cop and gorilla
  • thickfleshed
    word choice: he's big and not easy to hurt
  • steakcoloured
    word choice: he's coloured
  • hieroglyphs
    word choice: tattoos or scars
  • thin tissue over violence
    metaphor: violence is always near and ready to break out
  • "see you, babe"

    juxtaposition + caesura: contrasts to his scary figure, the pause highlights 'babe'
  • he hoped it, he truly hoped it

    repetition: exaggerates his desire to live
  • he is a gorilla
    metaphor: dehumanises him, more bold than a simile
  • "hiya, honey"

    caesura: the pause highlights 'honey'
  • tissue tear
    metaphor: violence breaking out
  • plunge through

    word choice: very sudden + unexpected
  • between phoebe's whamburger and louie's place
    juxtaposition: contrasts between violence and a fast food restaurant
  • gorilla with a nightstick
    metaphor: he is a strong guy with a weapon
  • this time

    parenthesis + word choice: he's put himself in danger many times, so his safety is never guaranteed
  • victims
    word choice: ironic that a policeman has victims, suggests cops use violence just as much as criminals