Theme of apperance vs realoty

Cards (3)

    • Shakespeare uses the Witches to show how human greed makes us vulnerable to deception and betrayal.
    • Early after their meeting with the Witches, Banquo reminds Macbeth, "The instruments of darkness tell us truths; .
    • This shows that humans can be easily fooled by lies if they are given with small truths. .
  • The opening scene:
    • foreshadows the use of trickery and witchcraft in the play because of the Witches presence,
    • restablishes Macbeth as an untrustworthy, corrupt character.
    • his first words recall the Witches opening chants. two tied together, a their roles in the play complement each other.
    • Witches use appearance to deceive Macbeth, who in turn betrays his own kinsmen and friends.
    • Macbeth's motive for his deception is his lust to be king suggest power is behind all evil and manipulation in the world. chain of influence: the citizens of Scotland obey their king, Macbeth, who obeys prophecies
  • Structure:
    • the slow breakdown of order in Scotland as the plot progresses.
    • In the play, the idea of appearance vs. reality is closely linked to the idea of order vs. disorder, or chaos.
    • If appearance is a trustworthy, accurate reflection of reality, then order is kept.
    • if not, chaos breaks loose.