basking shark

Cards (21)

  • To stub an oar on a rock where none should be

    metaphor: unexpected occurrences can happen in waters displaying the difficulties in life
  • rock
    word choice: hard and immobile object
  • rise with a slounge out of the sea

    metaphor: the oar floats out to sea slowly
  • slounge
    word choice: neologism as it is a combo of slouch and lounge with connotations of laziness
  • Is a thing that happened once (too often) to me

    parenthesis + metaphor: links forward to the guilt felt by the poet as humans have intruded upon wildlife too much, he dislikes his situation
  • I count as gain
    tone: optimistic + bright, as he is focusing on the benefits of his encounter
  • sea tin-tacked with rain

    onomatopoeia: noises of the rain hitting the metal boat
  • That roomsized monster with a matchbox brain
    juxtaposition: compares the large shark that is idiotic
  • He displaced more than water

    metaphor: the shark moved the poet harshly both physically and mentally
  • he
    word choice: assumption that the shark is a male solely due to how large and scary it is to the poet
  • shoggled
    word choice: connotations of shaken and moved
  • Centuries back - this decadent townee

    dash: provides extra information about the poet's views on himself as a corrupt citizen due to the actions of his ancestors
  • decadent
    word choice: corrupt, morally incorrect
  • wrong branch
    double entendre: ambiguous expression as it can be seen as something went wrong in human evolution that caused us to be able to harm wildlife or we feel superior towards wildlife that we don't recognise we are related in evolution
  • Swish up the dirt
    onomatopoeia + word choice + metaphor: 'swish' sounds like the movement of the water as the sand is being stirred, 'dirt' shows how the water is murky, murky water can never be clean or 'swished' up so it is referring to the poet's revelation and discovery upon the truth of human civilisation and how we intrude on wildlife
  • when it settles / a spring / Is all the clearer

    metaphor + enjambment: the poet sees that humans are bad people that act superior and harm wildlife, 'settles' and 'spring' are amplified
  • I saw me, in one fling
    metaphor + enjambment + emotional resonance: poet is reflecting upon his actions, the pause allows the reader to understand his pensive moment which signifies the important of the reflection, an emotional moment created when the poet lingers onto the connection to the natural world
  • Emerging from the slime of everything

    metaphor: he saw through evolution when we used to be equal to the shark prior to becoming corrupt
  • So who's the monster?
    rhetorical question: reflects upon the actions of humanity and sparks the reader to enter a pensive state leaving us thinking
  • The thought made me grow pale
    metaphor: he is in shock because of his revelation
  • sail after sail / The tall fin slid away and then the tail
    repetition + assonance + metaphor: 'sail' repeated twice which has a rhythmic and emphatic effect, drawing attention to the repeated action, repetition of vowel sounds contributes to the musical and harmonious quality of the lines, the shark has a graceful and elegant movement displaying its nonviolent nature