Grade 9 Key Words

Cards (38)

  • Abundance
    A large amount of something.
  • Archetypal Villain
    A main character who is presented as evil and unlikeable.
  • Anti-Malthusian
    The novel was written against Malthusian beliefs.
  • Apathetic
    Showing no interest.
  • Allegory
    A story, poem, or art used to explore a deeper meaning (normally a social, moral, or political one).
  • Catharsis
    Relief from strong emotions.
  • Catalyst
    Something that spurs on/encourages something else.
  • Covetousness
    Wishing to have something and/or being envious if somebody else acquires this.
  • Destitute
    Extreme poverty.
  • Dehumanising
    Treating a person as if they are not a human being.
  • Didactic
    Intended for teaching purposes. Normally teaching a moral message or prompting people to take action.
  • Exploitative
    To unfairly take advantage of a person, especially those who are vulnerable.
  • Emblematic
    Means being symbolic.
  • Enlightenment
    Deeper understanding that gives a new insight into life.
  • Frugal
    Stingy and tight with their money or supplies.
  • Foil
    A character who is the opposite to another in order to highlight the others characteristics.
  • Humanitarianism
    To promote human well-being and reduce suffering of others.
  • Hypocrisy
    Claiming to have a certain belief than going against that belief. It is an appearing to be one thing/or believe one thing, then doing the opposite.
  • Magnanimous
    Being generous, kind and giving.
  • Misanthropic
    A person who dislikes human interaction and aims to avoid society.
  • Miser
    Somebody who does not like to spend their wealth and wants to spend as little money as they can.
  • Microcosm
    A person or place showing the characteristics of something larger.
  • Ostracised
    Exclusion from society.
  • Oppression
    Continuous horrible treatment and abuse - particularly one that makes a person feel inferior.
  • Philanthropic
    Charitable and giving.
  • Political Diatribe
    A speech/writing that aims to condemn and criticise politics at the time.
  • Prolepsis
    Hinting at something in the future that hasn't actually happened yet but soon will.
  • Parsimonious
    Stingy and tight with their money.
  • Rebirth
    To be reborn.
  • Redemption
    Being saved from sin or evil.
  • Salvation
    In Christian terms, it is being saved by the faith in Christ and God.
  • Sabbatarian
    A Christian who sees Sunday as the holy sabbath day. This meant no work on Sundays.
  • Social Commentator
    Providing commentary on social situations or issues.
  • Socio-economic Poverty
    Poverty that has come from economic and societal factors.
  • Social Conscience
    Feeling responsible for others in society. Using your innate sense of morals to understand that we must look after others in society.
  • Squalor
    Living in conditions of extreme dirt and filth (normally as a result of being in a poverty-stricken state of existence).
  • Transmogrification
    Transformation in a surprising or unexpected way.
  • Victimisation
    Singling someone out to abuse and mistreat them.