Essay words

Cards (66)

  • Antecedent
    • A precursor, or proceeding event for something
  • Bastian
    An institution/place/person that strongly maintains particular principles, attitudes or activities
  • Bellwether
    Something that indicates a trend
  • Catalyst
    An agent that provokes or triggers a change
  • Defunct
    No longer existing or functioning
  • Entrenched
    Characterised by something that is firmly established
  • Foster
    To encourage the development of something
  • Impetus
    Something that makes a process or activity happen faster
  • Galvanize
    To shock or excite someone into taking action
  • Lucrative
    Having a large reward
  • Myriad
    Countless or extremely large in number
  • Precipitate
    To cause something to happen suddenly or unexpectedly
  • Proponent
    A person who advocates for something
  • Revitalise
    To give something new life and vitality
  • Ubiquitous
    Characterised by being everywhere; widespread
  • Automaton
    A mindless follower
  • Belie
    To fail to give a true impression of something
  • Dracorian
    Characterised by strict laws, rules and punishment
  • Duplicitous
    Deliberately deceitful in speech/behaviour
  • Egregious
    Consciously bad; extremely evil
  • Insidious
    Proceeding in a subtle way but with harmful effects
  • Myopic
  • Pernicious
    Dangerous and harmful
  • Renegade
    Person who betrays an organisation as worthy of disgrace or disaproval
  • Stigmatise
    To describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or disappointment
  • Superfluous
  • Venal
  • Virulent
    Extremely sever or harmful in its affects
  • Zealot
    A person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political or other ideas
  • Autonomy
    Independent; the right to make decisions for oneself
  • Dichotomy
    A division between two things that are presented as opposites or entirely different
  • Disparity
    A great difference between things
  • Divisive
    Causing disagreement or hostility between people
  • Egalitarian
    Favouring social equality and equal rights
  • Ascetic
    Sever; self discipline; one who avoids self indulgence
  • Culpable
    Deserving of the blame
  • Denigrate
    To criticise unfairly
  • Reverence
    Massive respect for someone or something
  • Omnipresent
    Being everywhere at the same time
  • Welter
    Moving in a turbulent or non orderly manner