Groin injury management

Cards (3)

  • Pubic and adductor pain management:
    • The individualised approach: There is no criteria-based rehabilitation protocol for adductor injuries
    • HOWEVER Supervised rehabilitation / training has a higher success rate than passive modalities
  • Inguinal pain management:
    • Usually repaired via laparoscopic surgery
    • Can be managed conservatively with exercise and an injection for chronic cases
    • Exercises include strengthening: abduction, adduction and abdominal strength and single leg strength
    • Management decision is based on severity and predicted time out of sport
    • Return to sport after surgery, 2 - 6 months
  • Iliopsoas pain management:
    • Injuries commonly occur with adductor related pain
    • Management follows the same principles as adductor related injuries, with a focus on hip flexion loading