Semantic data model developed in response to increasingcomplexity of applications
EER model
DBMS based on the EER model often described as an object/relational database management system (O/RDBMS)
Primarily geared to business applications
EER diagram (EERD)
Diagram using the EER model
Entity supertype
Genericentity type that is related to one or more entity subtypes
Contains common characteristics
Entity subtype
Contains unique characteristics of each entity subtype
Employee entity supertype will have common entries e.g. staff_numb
Academic staff entity subtype will have unique entries e.g. degree
Maintenance staff entity subtype will have unique entries e.g. plumbing
Administrative staff entity subtype will have unique entries such as speciality e.g. finance, HR
Specialization hierarchy
Depicts arrangement of higher-level entity supertypes (parent entities) and lower-level entity subtypes (child entities)
Subtype can exist only within contextofsupertype
Every subtype can have only onesupertype to which it is directly related
Specialization hierarchy
Enables an entity subtype to inherit the attributesandrelationships of the supertype
Defines a specialsupertype attribute known as the subtype discriminator
Defines disjoint/overlapping constraints and complete/partial constraints
At implementation level, supertype and its subtype(s) depicted in the specialization hierarchy maintain a 1..1 relationship
Top-downprocessofidentifyinglower-level, more specific entity subtypes from higher-level entity supertypes
Based on grouping unique characteristics and relationships of the subtypes
Bottom-upprocessofidentifyinghigher-level, more generic entity supertypes from lower-level entity subtypes
Based on grouping common characteristics and relationships of the subtypes
Specialcaseofaggregation - mandatory association
When the parent entity instance is deleted, all child entity instances are automaticallydeleted
A larger entity can be composed of smaller entities
Optional association
When you delete the parent entity the child entity is notdeleted
Entity clustering
A "virtual" entity type used to represent multiple entities and relationships in an ERD
Considered "virtual" or "abstract" because it is not actually an entity in final ERD
Temporary entity used to represent multiple entities and relationships
Eliminate undesirable consequences caused by missing info
Avoid display of attributes when entity clusters are used
Natural key
A real-world, generally accepted identifier used to uniquely identify real-worldobjects
Primary key
An attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifiesentityinstances in an entity set and guarantees entity integrity
Primary key guidelines
A primary key should be simple, unique, immutable, and minimal
A primary key should be an integer or a short character string
A primary key should not contain null values
A primary key should not contain repeating groups
Compositeprimary keys are useful as identifiers of composite entities, where each primary key combination is allowed only once in *:* relationship
Composite primary keys automatically provide the benefitofensuringthattherecannotbeduplicate values
Entity set
Main function is to guarantee entity integrity
Primary Key Guidelines - summary
Is the following an example of good Primary Keys?
When to Use Composite Primary Keys
Usefulasidentifiers of compositeentities, where each primary key combination is allowed only once in *:* relationship
Usefulasidentifiersofweak entities, where weak entity has strong identifying relationship with parent entity
When to Use Composite Primary Keys
Represent a real-world object that is existent-dependent on another real-world object
Represent a real-world object that is represented in the data model as two separate entities in a strong identifying relationship (e.g. INVOICE and LINE)
Surrogate Primary Key
A replacement for unsuitable attributes, especially helpful when there is no natural key, the selected candidate key has embedded semantic contents, or the selected candidate key is too long or cumbersome
When To Use Surrogate Primary Keys
No natural primary key, combination of attributes is not practical or helpful
Implementing 1:1 Relationships
Foreign keys work with primary keys to properly implement relationships in a relational model
In a 1:1 relationship, place the FK in one of the entities - preferred, but which one?
Implementing 1:1 Relationships
EMPLOYEE is Mandatory to DEPARTMENT, 'Manager' role is played In the DEPARTMENT
many relationship
Time-variant data
Data whose values change over time and for which you must keep a history of data changes
Maintaining History of Time-Variant Data
3 PK components
Fan Trap
Design trap that occurs when having one entity in two 1:* relationships to other entities, thus producing an association among other entities that is not expressed in the model
Fan Traps - example
No way to identify what player belongs to which team
Redundant Relationships
Occur when there are multiple relationship paths between related entities, main concern is that redundant relationships remain consistent across model
Redundant Relationships - example
Redundant relationship between DIVISION and PLAYER, DIV_ID is redundant in PLAYER, Transitive 1..* relationship between DIVISION and PLAYER through the TEAM entity