Arguments that draw conclusions based on observation through experience
What does the Teleological argument use ?
Teleological arguments uses observation/evidence of order, beauty and purpose to conclude that God exists (It looks to end results)
What does the Cosmological argument use ?
Cosmological arguments uses the fact that existence requires an explanation. It asks the question 'Why there is something rather than nothing?'
In what ways does Aquinas think God's knowledge can be revealed ?
In 2 ways : Revelation and Human reason
What does Aquinas use for his Teleological argument ?
Aquinas uses his 5th way (from his Summa Theologica) to say that nature has an order and purpose to it
What example does Aquinas use in his Teleological argument ?
The example of an arrow heading to a target. It must've been shot as it cannot move on its own; God directs everything
What analogy does Paley use in his design argument ?
Paley uses the watch analogy to conclude that due to how well it's constructed, someone must've made it
What does Paley suggest ?
Paley suggests that order and purpose and clear evidence of complex design in that natural world concludes that it must've been designed by God. It couldn't have come by chance
What does every detail show for Paley ?
God's care
Why does Hume critique the existence of a perfect God ?
Hume uses evidence of evil to infer that it isn't possible for a perfect God to exist. However, a perfect God may be defended through Hick's soul making theodicy
Why does Hume critique Paley's watch analogy ?
Hume says the analogy is weak because design and purpose may be clear in a watch but not in the world (e.g How dry ice and fire produce smoke) There is little similarity between the world and machines
How can Paley be defended ?
Paley is just saying that a designing mind is the best explanation for a universe with complexity
How else does Hume critique the Teleological argument ?
Hume points out that even if the design argument worked, it doesn't prove a particular God's existence as it could've been a group of Gods or a junior God...
We can't leap to the idea of a divine orderer since we can't compare this universe with another to see if it's more ordered
However, believers respond saying that Aquinas and Paley aren't trying to prove a certain God, but just that it's rational to believe in a God
What were Aquinas' 2 assumptions ?
The Universe exists and there must be a reason
What was Aquinas' 1st way ?
Motion. There must be an Unmoved Mover since nothing can move on its own accord
What was Aquinas' 2nd way ?
Causation. Everything has a cause as nothing can cause itself. Hence, there must be an Uncaused Causer
What was Aquinas' 3rd way ?
Contingency. Everything depends on something for its existence. Nothing comes from nothing. God must be the contingent being
Why does Hume critique the cosmological argument ?
The casual principle is that everything has a cause but Hume claims its possible the Universe has no cause. However, it's scientifically justified to believe that everything has a cause
What was Leibniz's Principle of Sufficient Reason ?
The thought that everything that exists must have a reason or cause for its existence
What did Gottfried Leibniz say about God ?
The only sufficient reason to explain the existence of the Universe must be God
Criticisms of the cosmological argument
Religious believers say its wrong to seek an explanation for God as belief is all about wonder, praise and prayer
We can't claim that God is necessary as we don't understand his nature
Some consider the Big Bang Theory a better fit than the God hypothesis