Specialised cells and that

Cards (25)

  • Stem Cell

    • unspecialised cells
    • can differentiate into different types of cells -> differentiation
    • animals - placing damaged cells
    • plants - new shoots and roots, xylem, phloem
    • they can divide themselves
  • Bone marrow:

    • bones - living organs that contain nerves and blood vessels
    • marrow in their centres - adult stem cells divide and differentiate into erythrocytes and neutrophils that need replacing
  • Meristem:
    • meristems - growth takes place in plants
    • where stem cells are found in plants
    • in the root and stem
    • stem cells of the vascular cambium divide and differentiate into xylem vessels and phloem sieve tubes
  • Embryos:
    • taken from the morula (16 cell) stage
    • before a blastocyst is formed as differentiation occurs after the this stage
    • embryonic stem cells
  • Differentiation of cells
    1. Totipotent - can differentiate into any type of cell, a person and the cells for during pregnancy (e.g. zygote)
    2. Pluripotent - can differentiate into any type of cell for the body, could make a person (e.g. embryonic stem cells)
    3. Multipotent - (e.g. adult/blood stem cells)
    4. Unipotent - have one specific job (e.g. erythrocytes)
  • Differentiation of cells
    • more specialised a cell, the greater the restriction in their potential
    • differentiation occurs after the blastocyst stage, after the morula (16 cell stage)
  • Stem cells - treating disease
    • replacement of damaged tissues
    • Alzheimer's - nerve cells in brain die, severe memory loss
    • Parkinson's - loss of nerve cells in brain that release dopamine that controls movement, causing tremors
    • Developmental biology - how organisms grow and develop, developmental disorders and cancer
  • For stem cell research:
    • can develop treatment - would be unethical to not develop
    • 'spare' embryos from IVF would have been destroyed anyway
    • organs for transplants are in short supply
    • good for research to happen under supervision, to receive scrutiny and regulation
  • Against stem cell research:
    • religious/cultural objections due to rights of an embryo
    • may cause infection or immune response if transferred
    • may have unforeseen consequences in recipients (e.g. uncontrollable growth)
    • women may be put under pressure to provide eggs
  • Specialised cell - PALISADE MESOPHYLL CELLS

    • in leaves
    • many chloroplasts for photosynthesis
    • thin walls, easy for CO2 to diffuse
  • Specialised cell - ROOT HAIR CELLS
    • absorb water and mineral ions from the soil
    • large surface area for absorption
    • thin, permeable cell wall
    • extra mitochondria for active transport
    • no chloroplasts as underground
  • Specialised cell - GUARD CELLS
    • found in pairs, with a gap between them (stoma)
    • form tiny pores used for gas exchange
    • when LIGHT, guard cells take up water, becoming turgid, thin outer walls and thick inner walls, open up stomata, allow gas exchange
  • Specialised cell - NEUTROPHILS
    • defend from disease
    • flexible shape allows them to engulf foreign particles/pathogens
    • lysosomes contain digestive enzymes to break down pathogens
  • Specialised cell - ERYTHROCYTES
    • carry oxygen
    • biconcave disc - large SA for gas exchange
    • no nucleus - more room for haemoglobin to carry oxygen
  • Specialised cell - EPITHELIAL CELLS
    • cover organ surfaces
    • interlink membranes
    • ciliated epithelia (airways) - cilia that beat to move mucus and particles away
    • squamous epithelia (lungs) are very thin to allow efficient diffusion
  • Specialised cell - SPERM CELLS
    • flagellum to swim to the egg
    • mitochondria to provide energy to swim
    • acrosome - digestive enzymes to penetrate egg's surface
    Group of cells (+ any extracellular materials secreted by them) are specialised to work together to carry out a particular function
  • Cartilage - tissue

    • connective tissue in joints
    • shapes and supports the nose and wind pipe
  • Muscle tissues
    • bundles of elongated cells
    • smooth (stomach wall)
    • cardiac (heart)
    • skeletal (to move)
  • Ciliated epithelium - tissue

    • layer of cells covered in cilia
    • surfaces which need movement (trachea - waft mucus along)
  • Epithelial cells - cover the surface of the body and lines internal cavities
    • squamos
    • columnar
    • ciliated
    • cuboidal
  • Epithelial - SQUAMOS
    • thin and flat
    • fluid flows over easily, low resistance
    • thin, good for diffusion
    • e.g. skin, lining blood vessels, lungs
  • Epithelial - COLUMNAR
    • tall and thin
    • can secrete mucus
    • e.g. lines stomach and intestines
  • Epithelial - CILIATED
    • line air passages
    • beat rhythmically to move mucus
    • can be damaged by smoking and pollution
  • Epithelial - CUBOIDAL
    • look like cubes who would have guessed
    • line glands and ducts