Exam 3 (Chapters 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14)

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  • homeostasis
    the maintenance of a relatively constant internal physiological environment
  • motivation
    the psychological process that induces or sustains a particular behavior
  • thermoregulation
    the active process of maintaining a relatively constant internal temperature through behavioral and physiological adjustments
  • endotherm
    an animal whose body temperature is regulated chiefly by metabolic processes
  • ectotherm
    an animal whose body temperature is regulated by the environment
  • negative feedback
    the process whereby a system monitors its own output and reduces its activity when a set point is reached
  • set point
    the point of reference in a feedback system
  • set zone
    the optimal range of a variable that a negative feedback system tries to maintain
  • allostasis
    the varying behavioral and physiological adjustments that an individual makes in order to maintain optimal (rather than unchanging) functioning of a regulated system in the face of changing environmental stressors
  • intracellular compartment
    the fluid of the body that is contained within cells
  • extracellular compartment
    the fluid of the body that exists outside the cells
  • osmosis
    the passive movement of a solvent, usually water, through a semipermeable membrane until a uniform concentration of a solute is achieved on both sides of the membrane
  • diffusion
    the passive spread of solute molecules through a solvent until a uniform solute concentration is achieved
  • osmotic pressure
    the tendency of a solvent to move across a membrane in order to equalize the concentration of solute on both sides of the membrane
  • osmotic thirst
    a desire to ingest fluids that is stimulated by high concentration of solute in the extracellular compartment
  • osmosensory neuron
    a specialized neuron that monitors the concentration of the extracellular fluid by measuring the movement of water into and out of the intracellular compartment
  • circumventricular organ

    any of multiple distinct sites that lie in the wall of a cerebral ventricle and monitor the composition of cerebrospinal fluid
  • vasopressin
    a peptide hormone from the posterior pituitary that promotes water conservation and increases in blood pressure
  • aldosterone
    a mineralcorticoid hormone, secreted by the adrenal cortex, that promotes the conservation of sodium by the kidneys
  • hypovolemic thirst
    a desire to ingest fluids that is stimulated by a reduction in volume of the extracellular fluid
  • baroreceptor
    a pressure receptor in the heart or a major artery that detects a change in blood pressure
  • atrial natriuretic peptide
    a hormone, secreted by the heart, that normally reduces blood pressure, inhibits drinking, and promotes the excretion of water and salt at the kidneys
  • angiotensin
    a hormone produced in the blood by the action of renin that may play a role in the control of thirst
  • vagus nerve

    cranial nerve X, which transmits information between the brain and the viscera
  • nutrients
    chemicals required for the effective functioning, growth, and maintenance of the body
  • glucose
    an important sugar molecule used by the body and brain for energy
  • glycogen
    a complex carbohydrate made by the combining of glucose molecules for a short-term store of energy
  • glucagon
    a pancreatic hormone that converts glycogen to glucose and thus increases blood glucose
  • lipid
    a large molecule that consists of fatty acids and glycerol
  • adipose tissue

    tissue made up of fat cells
  • ketone
    an organic molecule derived from the breakdown of fat that can be used by cells as an energy source
  • basal metabolism
    the use of energy for processes such as heat production, maintenance of membrane potentials, and all the other basic life-sustaining functions of the body
  • diabetes mellitus
    a condition, characterized by excessive glucose in the blood and urine and reduced glucose utilization by body cells that is caused by the failure on insulin to induce glucose absorption
  • glucodetector
    a specialized type of liver cell that detects and informs the nervous system about levels of circulating glucose
  • ventromedial hypothalamus

    a hypothalamic region involved in eating and sexual behaviors
  • lateral hypothalamus

    a hypothalamic region involved in the control of appetite and other functions
  • arcuate nucleus
    an arc-shaped hypothalamic nucleus implicated in appetite control
  • ghrelin
    a peptide gut hormone believed to act on the hypothalamic appetite system to increase hunger
  • PYY3-36
    a peptide gut hormone believed to act on the hypothalamic appetite system to suppress appetite
  • glucagon-like peptide 1
    a peptide gut hormone believed to act on the hypothalamic appetite system to suppress appetite