Water/Water Treatment

Cards (8)

  • There are 2 ways to treat Salt Water: Distillation and Reverse Osmosis.
  • Distillation requires heat meaning more energy meaning more money.
  • Potable water: Safe to drink
  • Fresh water: Obtain from a river, water is filtered to seperate insoluble solids, water sterilised with ozone, chlorine or UV to destroy harmful microorganisms.
  • Sewage Sludge for fertilisers, may increase due to increased population and high demand for food.
  • There are 3 main sources of Waste Water: Domestic, Agricultural, Industrial.
  • 1- Waste Water Treatment: Screening - Sewage through mesh, trapping large material. Sedementation - Sewage sits in settlement tank. Solids sink - sludge, lighter - effulent at top.
  • 2 - Waste Water Treatment: Sludge - Anaerobic Digestion - Fertlisers. Effluent - Aerobic Digestion - Back into environment.