religious and political activities can be carried out more safely
Factors that can push people away from urban areas is
lack of services
overpopulated- high birth rate
lack of employment opportunities
starvation due to crop failure
Distribution in these questions its mainly asking you how something is spread out among a group or spread over an area
“ describe the distribution of the percentage of people living in urban areas” mainly this is asking us why are people moving to urban areas
they give you a map so identify LIC AND HIC countries and compare. USE PEA PATTERN EXAMPLE AND ANOMALY
urban changes in bristol- in 1871 bristol is polluted due to the industrial revolution its less modern there are a lot of boats and docks to transport shipping and resources which led to the grow to of the economy
However in 2009 bristol harbour seems more ethnically diverse and sustainable being less polluted. there are more transport Options to allow others to go work quickly
51.4% have no religion
81.2% are born in the uk which means bristol does not have that much diversity
42.1% have the highest level of qualification
64.8% are economically active
Economic means it relates to the economy and social relates to people
Favela means slum
Challenges living in a favela can be
poor medical treatment and education
dirty bad environment
essential infrastructure is not available
due to there being bad education there are chances of a high brith rate as young girls can be married and forced into child labour
To improve quality of life
local authorities provide local residents with the materials needed to construct permanent accommodation
money can be saved and spent on providing basic amenities such as electricity and water
There is a estimate of 1000 favelas in rio home to 1.5 million people and only 25% of children attend school
Almost all houses in Rochina are made of concrete and brick almost all Houses have sanitation
Rochina has a better developed infrastructure and hundreds of businesses and brands
In favles people build unstable houses on steep slopes and there are no proper toilets or water
In urban areas in brazil the government can’t afford to build houses that are affordable for the poor
Solution to favelas is sites and services people can buy or rent a piece of land and infrastructure
Regeneration means re developing former industrial areas of housing to improve them
dereliction means in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect or abandonment
deprivation means lack of material considered to be basic necessities in a society
Brownfield sites relates to urban sites that have been built in before
Natural increase is the difference of the birth rate and death rate
Infrastructure is the basic physical and organisational structure needed for society to function
Traffic congestion is lots of vehicles on the road causing slow movement
Quality of life the overall wellbeing and satisfaction that individuals experience
Water pollution is harmful substances like chemicals and pollutants in bodies of water
Urbanisation around the world is increasing because of population growth like immigrants migrating to cities in search of better opportunities and resources and cities offer better healthcare and education then attracts people from rural areas businesses and industries tend to concentrate in cities
Sites and scheme services have been introduced to improve the quality of life in Rio sites and scheme services are when people can rent or buy a piece of land and essential infrastructure. This is designed to improve the environment of the quality of favelas
The problem with site is scheme services is just that it’s very expensive and the location of the schemes are often too far so people are not be bothered to move there and it also cost a lot of more money for like travelling and a lot of low income families are not chosen for this game because they have a low
regular income
Opportunities in Bristol is that population becomes more ethnically divers improve transport connections have made them more accessible and now more people in Bristol under 16 then of age changes in Bristol employment structure may work in high-tech companies