Cards (10)

  • 2 Strengths of Right Realism
    Strength - Helped shape government's research into crime e.g. stimulated range of victim surveys and practical measures to combat crime.
    Strength - More practical approach to tackling crime than theoretical predecessors e.g. Marxism and Labelling Theory.
  • 2 Limitations of Right Realism
    Limitation - Ignores wider structural causes of crime such as poverty.
    Limitation - Ignores increasing gap between rich and poor, creating resentment (relative deprivation).
  • What is Right Realism?
    Considers crime from political conservatism perspective, with standpoint of getting tough on crime.
  • Who is a right realist?

    Charles Murray - states everyone is tempted to commit crime but it's amount of social bonds that often prevent us from doing so.
  • What does Murray talk about?

    Development of the 'underclass' such as single parents; young boys grow up without appropriate role models and crime is a way of proving they are men.
  • What do real realists question?

    Question economic factors such as poverty or unemployment are the reason behind rising crime rates.
    Instead it was believed that individuals are more likely to commit crime when social constraints on their behaviour are weakened, so crime is linked to inadequate social control.
  • Negative view of human nature (people are naturally selfish and greedy)
  • Right realists argue that crime is increased by feckless parenting, absent fathers, lack of discipline in schools and Liberal policies of the state.
  • Permissive attitudes have allowed self-indulgent and anti-social behaviour.
  • Solutions to crime
    • Reduce opportunities for offending.
    • Increase the costs of crime to exceed the benefits.
    • Crime control should also fall upon members of the community.
    • Encourage responsible parenting and active citizens who challenge anti-social behaviour.