integumentary system

Cards (46)

  • dermis
    connective tissue
  • accessory structures of skin
    hair, sebaceous glands, sensory receptors, arrector pili muscles, sweat glands, blood vessels
  • epidermis
    stratified squamous keratinised epithelium
  • papillary layer

    loose connective tissue
  • reticular layer
    dense irregular connective tissue
  • hypodermis
    adipose and dense irregular connective tissue
  • keratinocytes appear by division of stem cells in the stratum basale, and are pushed towards the surface
  • keratinocytes fill with tonofilaments (intermediate filaments) and keratohyalin granules, and secrete lamellar bodies
  • stratum basale
    has hemidesmosomes, desmosomes, melanin, cells undergo mitosis
  • non-keratinocytes
    melanocytes and merkel cells
  • stratum spinosum
    cells are in constant contact by intercellular bridges, held together by desmosomes, cells contain tonofilaments, langerhans cells are found here
  • stratum granulosum
    produces keratin and water proofing sustances, contains basophilic keratohyaline granules, tonofilamets, and lamellar bodies
  • keratohyaline granules and tonofilaments combine when the cell dies to form keratin
  • lamellar bodies are released at cell death and contain water proofing glycophosopholipids
  • stratum corneum
    dead cells filled with keratin
  • basal cell turnover to keratin takes 25-30 days with lots of friction, and 40-50 days in areas of less friction
  • melanocytes
    dendritic cells that produce melanin and transfer the melanin to the keratinocytes
  • eumelanin
    brown and black
  • pheomelanin

    red colour to skin
  • grey hair
    black eumelanin without other melanin
  • blonde hair
    brown eumelanin without other melanin
  • red hair
    small amount of brown eumelanin with pheomelanin
  • langerhans cell
    dendritic cells, found in all layers but best identified in the spinosum, function as antigen presenting cells
  • merkel cells
    in basal layer, associated with end of a sensory neuron, respond to light touch
  • lucidum and corneum is thicker in thick skin
  • dermal papillae are greatly developed in thick skin, allowing for a firm attachment of epidermis to dermis
  • the papillary layer forms the dermal papilla and epidermal pegs
  • free nerve endings
    finish in dermis and epidermis, detect temperature and pain
  • meissners corpuscle
    found in papillary dermis, detect touch
  • pacinian corpuscle
    found deep in dermis or hypodermis, detect pressure and vibration
  • hair bulb
    growing point, deep in reticular dermis or hypodermis
  • arrector pili muscle
    smooth muscle that attaches to CT sheath on hair, and inserts into papillary
  • melanocytes are found in the hair bulb
  • epidermal keratin is less sulphated and therefore softer than hair and nail keratin
  • sebaceous gland secretion
    holocrine of sebum
  • eccrine sweat gland secretion
    merocrine secretion of sweat
  • apocrine sweat gland secretion

    merocrine secretion of sweat (emotional)
  • sebaceous gland structure
    simple branched acinar
  • eccrine sweat gland structure
    simple coiled tubular, secretory portion deep in the dermis
  • eccrine sweat glands dark cells