
Cards (10)

  • A Moon is a satellite that orbits a planet, and is not a planet itself.
  • The Sun is a star that the Earth orbits.
  • A Star is a large, hot, luminous body that emits light and heat.
  • A Solar System is a collection of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other objects that orbit a star.
  • A Galaxy is a collection of billions of stars, held together by gravity.
  • The Universe is every conceivable thing.
  • The Big Bang Theory is the theory that the universe began as a single point of infinite density and temperature.
  • Oblers Paradox states that without the Red Shift there would be only light and no darkness in-between stars.
  • Red Shift is the shift of the spectral lines of an object towards the red end of the spectrum.
  • A satellite orbits at a constant speed, but it takes longer to complete one orbit as its distance from Earth increases